How To Play Spanish 21

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It’s Blackjack with a twist. Played with a Spanish deck (no ten’s), a hand of 21 has the potential for some cool bonus payouts.

How To Play Spanish 21

Player Blackjack

Always BEATS dealer’s Blackjack - pays 3/2

Player Total of 21

Always BEATS dealer’s total of 21, pays up to 3-1

Bonus 21 Payoffs
5 Card 21 Pays 3-2
6 Card 21 Pays 2-1
7+ Card 21 Pays 3-1
6-7-8 Mixed Pays 3-2
6-7-8 Suited Pays 2-1
6-7-8 Spaded Pays 3-1
7-7-7 Mixed Pays 3-2
7-7-7 Suited Pays 2-1
7-7-7 Spaded Pays 3-1
Doubling voids Bonus 21 payoffs.
Not Paid on Double/Split Hands.

Pair Splitting

Player may split cards of equal value including ACES creating up to three hands - hitting and doubling of split hands including ACES - is allowed.

Double Down

Double once with 2 or More cards on any total including after a split. NO Bonuses on doubled hands.

Double Down Rescue

After doubling if a player is dissatisfied with their non-busted hand, they may rescue (take back) the last DOUBLED portion of the bet, forfeiting half of the total wager.

Super Bonus

Player holds suited 7-7-7 | Dealer upcard any 7 $5-24 Bet WINS $1000 | $25+ Bet WINS $5000 Envy Bonus - All other betting players get $50. NO side bet required. Splitting/Doubling voids Super Bonus.

Match The Dealer

Five Big Payoffs!

Uses Spanish Decks A-9, J, Q, K (no 10’s)


In addition to the regular 21 bet, a player can bet that either or both of their first two cards will exactly match the dealer’s up card in rank. (For example: a four matches a four, a jack matches only a jack, a queen matches only a queen, etc.)

How To Play:

The player makes a Match the Dealer wager by placing a bet in the Match the Dealer bet circle. In order to play Match the Dealer, the player must make a regular 21 bet.

Match the Dealer
1 Non-Suited Match Pays 3-1
2 Non-Suited Matches Pays 6-1
1 Suited Match Pays 12-1
1 Non-Suited & 1 Suited Match Pays 15-1
2 Suited Matches Pays 24-1

Progressive Wager

Spanish 21 offers an optional Match the Dealer Progressive Wager. The progressive jackpot wager is an optional $5 wager that must be made prior to the delivery of the cards. The pay table shown has been designed to link together with the other Spanish 21 tables.

Spanish 21 Progressive Paytable

Hand Pays
2 Suited Matches:
Aces of Spades
100% of Progressive
2 Suited Matches:
(all others)
10% of Progressive
1 Non-Suited & 1 Suited Match $55
1 Suited Match $45
2 Non-Suited Matches $20
1 Non-Suited Match $10
Original Wager is NOT Returned
Reflects a $5 Wager.